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Tech Pack Pricing in 2023: An In-Depth Guide for Apparel Brands

What Apparel Brands Can Expect to Pay for Tech Packs in 2023?

Tech packs provide the meticulous instructions required to manufacture apparel to a brand’s specifications. They range from simple specs for basic t-shirts costing $20-30 each to highly complex packs for entire 50+ piece collections at $10,000 or more. Tech pack pricing depends on multiple factors:

Garment Types:
•Basic t-shirt or polo: $20-$40 per spec
•Woven button-down shirt: $30-$60 per spec
•Pants/shorts: $30-$70 per spec
Dress: $60-$200 per spec
•Jacket: $70-$250 per spec
•Suit: $200-$500 per spec
•Intimate apparel or swimwear: 10-30% premium due to increased complexity
•Children’s wear: 10-20% premium due to additional challenges

Collection Size:
•5-20 styles (small collection of tops/bottoms): $1,500-$5,000 total
•20-50 styles (medium collection): $3,000-$10,000 total. Volume discounts of 5-10% usually apply.
•50-200 styles (large collection): $10,000-$50,000 or more total. Larger discounts of 10% or greater typically offered for ongoing business.

Turnaround Time:
•1 week: 25-35% premium. Only feasible for small collections of basic styles.
•1-3 weeks: Standard pricing. Most common turnaround.
•3-6 weeks: Opportunity for 5-10% discount. Provides tech pack company needed time for an efficient workflow.
•6+ weeks: Maximum 10% discount. Longer deadlines risk factory slot availability and should be avoided if possible.

Additional Services:
•Pattern making and grading bundled: 10% discount or more vs. individual service pricing.
•Sizing spec development: $500-$3,000 depending on the number of sizes and complexity.
•Sample spec development: $200-$500 per sample.

Difficulty/Expertise Required:
•Highly complex styles (e.g. tailored jackets) or technical fabrics may be 25-50% higher than moderate woven tops or bottoms. Packs requiring specialized expertise (intimate apparel, swimwear, sportswear) tend to cost 10-30% more.

When comparing tech pack companies, consider quotes in view of services offered and expertise for your product types. An inexperienced company may underprice to win business but deliver unsatisfactory results. See examples of previous work and client reviews when possible. The cheapest option is rarely the most cost-effective choice.

With the strategies above, apparel brands can achieve high-quality tech packs at the best prices through mindful collaboration and planning. Tech packs offer immense value when developed responsibly and are well worth the investment for manufacturing excellence. By understanding typical costs and following tips for optimization, apparel brands can keep tech pack pricing under control for collections of any size and complexity.

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